Dolls & Mail Art
The envelope is another mail art swap. The sun is a favorite image that I like to paint. She looks so wise and warm - like a mama. The girl in the black dress went inside the envelope. She had an Irish Blessing written on her. The other doll - pardon the poor scan - was a card for my son's end of the year teacher gift. I'm bummed that I didn't look at the scan better before I sent it off to school with him.
I have been going crazy now with art envelopes. Nothing I mail out goes naked - no matter what the size envie. I have used oil pastels, water color crayons, colored pencils, crayons, sharpies on my envelopes. I try not to spend more than 15 minutes per envelope. Having the time constraint forces me to make a quick, simple image - more drawing whatever comes to mind rather than pondering over it trying to make it perfect. The results have been some good looking envies! I had another positive remark from a postal worker. She didn't want to put my delivery confirmation sticker on the envelope because she didn't want to "mess it up." I assured her that it was o-k and that it was meant to be used as well as looked at. I love that such a simple thing can make people happy.
All three of these pieces are great, Kimberly! I love the sun too, and have sun images sprinkled through our home and yard/garden. I like how you put a time constraint on your envelopes. I think that would help me, and am going to try it this afternoon.